Abstract Deadline Extended: COT-INTIMATE-THM 2024 International Conference

Abstract Deadline Extended: COT-INTIMATE-THM 2024 International Conference

Abstract Deadline Extended – “Tephra: Chronology, Stratigraphy, Hazards, & Climate”

8-16th September 2024, Catania, Sicily, Italy

ABSTRACT DEADLINE EXTENSION for Tephra: Chronology, Stratigraphy, Hazards, & Climate in Catania, Sicily, from September 8th-16th.

Due to many requests, we have decided to extend the abstract deadline to the same day as the registration deadline, JULY 15th. 

*HOWEVER – the deadline for ECR funding support remains midnight local time on June 17th, and ECR funding applicants must still submit their abstracts by the same June 17th deadline to be eligible for financial support.

Announcements for funding will be made in the first week of July. Please note that funding is provided by reimbursement. 

This is a joint conference run by the IAVCEI Commissions of Tephrochronology and Tephra Hazard Modelling and INQUA’s INTIMATE (INTegration of Ice-core, MArine, and TErrestrial palaeoclimate records). It is the 10th “tephra conference” since the 1960’s. This unique, smaller scale conference (capped at 125 attendees) pulls together anyone and everyone interested in tephra. There are no concurrent sessions, everyone will have a chance to see every talk and poster they want. The abstract call is guided by three broad themes: classic tephrostratigraphy and -chronology, tephra hazards, and tephra and climate. 

For those who might have experienced earlier registration IT issues, they have been largely addressed. However, if you are stuck on the payment window, please try disabling your Adblocker or try another device and/or browser. If problems persist, please reach out to membership@cot.iavceivolcano.org

Key Dates

May 13th 2024Abstract Submission Opens (Here)
May 13th 2024 Registration Opens (Here)
May 13th 2024ECRs funding application opens (Here)
July 15th 2024Abstract submission closes (Extended)
June 17th 2024ECRs funding application closes
July 1st 2024Abstract acceptance and ECR funding outcome announced
July 15th 2024Registration closes


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