CoT Objectives

CoT Objectives

The CoT members are committed to the following objectives;

  • Mapping and Stratigraphy – Identify and map tephra deposits between near-source (proximal) volcanic settings and those preserved in distal (sedimentary) successions. Establishing the geographical extent of eruption deposits, and determining the stratigraphic inter-relationships between eruption deposits from neighbouring, and disparate, volcanic systems in order to build detailed eruption histories. 
  • Characterisation: To develop and evaluate new and emerging methods to characterize tephra and cryptotephra constituents mineralogically and geochemically (including isotopically) using formalised protocols that enhance data quality and quantity.
  • Correlations: To evaluate and develop objective ways of correlating tephra and cryptotephra deposits from site to site using statistical techniques and numerical measures of (un)certainty of correlation.
  • Dating/age modelling: Improve the age constraints placed upon tephra deposits and eruptive histories both using and combining radiometric dating methods (e.g., 14C, 40Ar/39Ar, U-Th/He, 238U/230Th, U-Pb). Also, through developing improved age models for sedimentary archives containing visible and cryptotephra layers, and in turn using tephra ages to improve existing age models for key palaeoclimatic, archaeological, and other sequences.
  • Databases:  To develop regional and ultimately global databases of high-quality mineral, geochemical, and other data (stratigraphic, chronologic, spatial) for tephra and cryptotephra deposits. (e.g., EARTHCHEM, RESET, Strabospot)
  • Capacity: To maintain and enhance the global capability of tephroch,cronology for future research through mentoring and training of emerging researchers in the discipline.
  • Outreach: To improve education to the wider community (outreach) about tephrochronology and its application and relevance